Saturday, October 1, 2016



由高清创办的James InTheMountain是西班牙中国会户外运动俱乐部合作伙伴,拥有国内外多项培训资质,提供安全有保障的户外活动服务。James InTheMountain 成为中国会的伙伴,主要目的是为会员提供一个健康向上的生活理念,创造丰富多彩的户外运动生活氛围,给在西班牙奋斗多年的中国人及他们的下一代一种多元化生活方式,并加强人与人之间的联系和友谊。

Jamesinthemountain is the official service provider for Outdoor Group of China Club Spain, having all kinds of certification of outdoor activities, from climbing instruction to Wilderness First-aid. providing safe and fun activities. Also Jamesinthemountain has been working at outdoor education of international schools in China for many years.  You know what? There’s nothing quite like the outdoors. With your boots tied tight, a backpack thermos in toe and tunes on your MP3 player, you’ve got nowhere to go but up. And that’s just what you’re going to do here at Jamesinthemountain. Not only we offer climbing and hiking for different experience levels, but we’ve also have well-traveled, advanced guides that will lead the way! At Jamesinthemountain, you'll find great tour packages that even an experienced adventurer would swoon over. Plus, we work hard to ensure Leave No Trace, the environment is protected during our tours, so you'll have peace of mind knowing that our company contributes to our environment's sustainability. So, get your pack on, find your cast-iron skillet and schedule your tour with Jamesinthemountain today!